What is Body Trust®?

Excerpt from January 2020 Newsletter

Body Trust is a distinct approach to food and body-relationship work that is used here at Mindful Food & Motion. Nicole is a proud Certified Body Trust Provider.
No one says it better than Hilary and Dana from Be Nourished themselves, so here in their own words, is how they describe Body Trust…

Body Trust is a radical revisioning of what it means to occupy and care for your body. It is a pathway to acceptance of the body, an alternative dialogue to the conventional paradigm of food, body image, and weight concerns in our culture. Body Trust is paradigm shifting work that invites bravery and fierce body compassion.

Body Trust is...

  • Your birthright. You were literally born with it!

  • Getting out of your head and into your body.

  • Rejecting the diet mentality as a way to solve the "problem" (i.e. your body).

  • Turning towards your body with kindness and curiosity.

  • Listening to your body and honoring the wisdom that comes from within.

  • Exploring weight-neutral self care practices.

  • Allowing pleasure and satisfaction to inform and teach us as much as what
    we know to be "good" or "healthy".

  • Knowing that when you eat past full or don't eat enough, your body's hunger
    cues will guide you.

  • Practicing self-compassion.

  • Becoming acquainted with your body's subtle and not-so-subtle cues.

  • Acknowledging the amazing ways your body shows up for you every day,
    regardless of how you treat it.

  • Moving your body in ways that connect you to sensation and joy.

  • Getting out of the way, allowing your body to sort out the weight.

Body Trust is a practice. So much of what we desire to bring into our lives takes time and practice. Body Trust is not a new plan, a gimmick, or a short-term solution. It’s a way to truly heal—an opportunity to focus on finding joy and pleasure again, as you turn your attention towards the parts of you that perhaps you lost sight of while dieting or trying to fix yourself. Body Trust is not a place we arrive, but a connective energy we cultivate. It is an ever-evolving relationship that changes with our healing, our complicated lives, and as we age.

Copyright ©2013 by Be Nourished, LLC www.benourished.org

Find out more at www.BeNourished.org.